It's so nice just being able to go and pick crops!
People had to hunt for there food and they relied on animals for that. So that's why most people in this time period where nomads because they had to follow there food.
Stable food Supply/Domesticate
You look ravishing
AWWW shucks!
In the Stone Ages people had to move around a lot; They moved where the food moved. So shelter was temporary, and was never permanent. People where ready to move whenever they needed too.
Staying in One place
Do you want me to fetch some food from the garden?
Yes please ! Don't go far.
When people learned to farm it was a great change, that meant people did not have to move around to follow food. They could have food right in there garden.
Learning to Trade
I will trade you two baskets for one of your sheep's
I found love 💖
People learned to use animals to help with other things rather than just eating them, people tamed animals so they could help out and also provide food (eggs)
I found love too!💖
And I found food
Over time people found away to stay in one place and not be nomads. they found a way to grow crops and have a stable food supply to care for all there needs.
The food is right here!
When people learned to trade it was very helpful, People may have had some extra sheep skin and others had extra crops people would trade to others so that everyone was cared for.
Sounds like a good trade to me! I have plenty extra to spare.