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Biography of a scientists

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Biography of a scientists
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  • birth
  • well this is baby Matthias he is a boy.
  • childhood
  • college education
  • well I am finally here at Heidelberg where I am going to Learn.
  • He was born on April 5, 1804 in Hamburg, Germany he had three siblings with two sisters and one brother
  • scientific inspiration
  • Hi my name is Matthias
  • Hi my name is Theodore
  • Matthias lived in a big house in Germany. He grew up with his mother and his father. He also grew up with his two younger sister with her 2 and 4 years younger than him and his younger sister was 5 years younger than him.
  • scientific discovery
  • Matthias Schleiden by: Luke Marshburn
  • Theodore look at this cell it is something we have never seen before on this entire planet
  • I think I also found something new
  • He went to the university of Heidelberg to study for college and he later studies even more at the university of Göttingen later after he graduated from Heidelberg. He then went on to study in other places like libraries.
  • death
  • Well I guess he's gone
  • When he was not at college he was reading and studying about science and met his friend and later scientific partner named Theodore Schwann. And later they began to study together with each other for a long time.
  • While collaborating Theodore and Matthias both discovered new parts of Matthias discovered that plants are also made of cells which concluded that all if not most things are made out of cells
  • He sadly died on June 23, 1881 but he left a lasting legacy and his lessons have been taught for many years even in my classroom.
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