This is the ling of england. He has absolute power of the colonies, but doesnt treat them fairly. He has put unfair laws onto them.
In the colonies the king is placing a ton of taxes on them, without the colonists getting a fair representation in the English government. This is one of the lead motives of the American Revolution.
The Boston tea party was an act of revolution . At night the colonists dupped tons of tea barrels into the river. This was because of the large tax placed on the tea.
Boston Tea party
Decleration of Independence
Declarationof Independence.
The decleration of independance was signed and sent to the King of England stating that the colonies no longer want to be under theirrule. This leads to the creating of a new government.
End of the Monarchy in the colonies
The colonies are n longer under the rule of the British Monarchy, and are now free in America.
New government
A new governmentis made in America., it is a democracy. Later the constitutionis signed making America a truecountry.
This is the ling of england. He has absolute power of the colonies, but doesnt treat them fairly. He has put unfair laws onto them.
In the colonies the king is placing a ton of taxes on them, without the colonists getting a fair representation in the English government. This is one of the lead motives of the American Revolution.
The Boston tea party was an act of revolution . At night the colonists dupped tons of tea barrels into the river. This was because of the large tax placed on the tea.
Boston Tea party
Decleration of Independence
Declarationof Independence.
The decleration of independance was signed and sent to the King of England stating that the colonies no longer want to be under theirrule. This leads to the creating of a new government.
End of the Monarchy in the colonies
The colonies are n longer under the rule of the British Monarchy, and are now free in America.
New government
A new governmentis made in America., it is a democracy. Later the constitutionis signed making America a truecountry.
This is the ling of england. He has absolute power of the colonies, but doesnt treat them fairly. He has put unfair laws onto them.
In the colonies the king is placing a ton of taxes on them, without the colonists getting a fair representation in the English government. This is one of the lead motives of the American Revolution.
The Boston tea party was an act of revolution . At night the colonists dupped tons of tea barrels into the river. This was because of the large tax placed on the tea.
Boston Tea party
Decleration of Independence
Declarationof Independence.
The decleration of independance was signed and sent to the King of England stating that the colonies no longer want to be under theirrule. This leads to the creating of a new government.
End of the Monarchy in the colonies
The colonies are n longer under the rule of the British Monarchy, and are now free in America.
New government
A new governmentis made in America., it is a democracy. Later the constitutionis signed making America a truecountry.
This is the ling of england. He has absolute power of the colonies, but doesnt treat them fairly. He has put unfair laws onto them.
In the colonies the king is placing a ton of taxes on them, without the colonists getting a fair representation in the English government. This is one of the lead motives of the American Revolution.
The Boston tea party was an act of revolution . At night the colonists dupped tons of tea barrels into the river. This was because of the large tax placed on the tea.
Boston Tea party
Decleration of Independence
Declarationof Independence.
The decleration of independance was signed and sent to the King of England stating that the colonies no longer want to be under theirrule. This leads to the creating of a new government.
End of the Monarchy in the colonies
The colonies are n longer under the rule of the British Monarchy, and are now free in America.
New government
A new governmentis made in America., it is a democracy. Later the constitutionis signed making America a truecountry.
This is the ling of england. He has absolute power of the colonies, but doesnt treat them fairly. He has put unfair laws onto them.
In the colonies the king is placing a ton of taxes on them, without the colonists getting a fair representation in the English government. This is one of the lead motives of the American Revolution.
The Boston tea party was an act of revolution . At night the colonists dupped tons of tea barrels into the river. This was because of the large tax placed on the tea.
Boston Tea party
Decleration of Independence
Declarationof Independence.
The decleration of independance was signed and sent to the King of England stating that the colonies no longer want to be under theirrule. This leads to the creating of a new government.
End of the Monarchy in the colonies
The colonies are n longer under the rule of the British Monarchy, and are now free in America.
New government
A new governmentis made in America., it is a democracy. Later the constitutionis signed making America a truecountry.
This is the ling of england. He has absolute power of the colonies, but doesnt treat them fairly. He has put unfair laws onto them.
In the colonies the king is placing a ton of taxes on them, without the colonists getting a fair representation in the English government. This is one of the lead motives of the American Revolution.
The Boston tea party was an act of revolution . At night the colonists dupped tons of tea barrels into the river. This was because of the large tax placed on the tea.
Boston Tea party
Decleration of Independence
Declarationof Independence.
The decleration of independance was signed and sent to the King of England stating that the colonies no longer want to be under theirrule. This leads to the creating of a new government.
End of the Monarchy in the colonies
The colonies are n longer under the rule of the British Monarchy, and are now free in America.
New government
A new governmentis made in America., it is a democracy. Later the constitutionis signed making America a truecountry.
This is the ling of england. He has absolute power of the colonies, but doesnt treat them fairly. He has put unfair laws onto them.
In the colonies the king is placing a ton of taxes on them, without the colonists getting a fair representation in the English government. This is one of the lead motives of the American Revolution.
The Boston tea party was an act of revolution . At night the colonists dupped tons of tea barrels into the river. This was because of the large tax placed on the tea.
Boston Tea party
Decleration of Independence
Declarationof Independence.
The decleration of independance was signed and sent to the King of England stating that the colonies no longer want to be under theirrule. This leads to the creating of a new government.
End of the Monarchy in the colonies
The colonies are n longer under the rule of the British Monarchy, and are now free in America.
New government
A new governmentis made in America., it is a democracy. Later the constitutionis signed making America a truecountry.