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Environmental Science

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Environmental Science
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  • YES! I love that plan! Ill make some flyers when we get home to put up in the neighbourhood!
  • Okay!! You know what would also help? If we spread the word about plastic in the ocean so that other people can make changes just like we are doing!
  • You are so smart I think that's a great idea sweetie! Let go shall we! Dont wanna be late!
  • OKAY! Im soooo exited!
  • WHAT!! thats horrible! We learned about the animals being effected at school! My teachers told me that the whale and turtles think that the plastic bottle are food and they eat them! We also say a picture of a whale who died because it had to many plastic bottles in its stomach!
  • Yes you heard that correctly! The plastic in the ocean breaks down and gets into fishes when they eat!
  • Thats right! Pollution also effects the economy because of ALL the money the government has to use to pay for the clean up when it could be going to a better cause!
  • Oh no! It sounds like plastic in the ocean affects everything! Is there anything we can do to help?
  • Tell me! Tell me!
  • Yes there are a few things we can do!
  • I would love to do that!
  • Well to start we can stop drinking out of plastic water bottle and start using reusable ones!Another thing we can do is to try and cook meals from home to avoid the plastic from take out! Ooooh and we can start going to a sustainable grocery store where we have to bring our own containers if you would like!
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