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Paleolithic VS. Neolithic

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Paleolithic VS. Neolithic
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  • Intro.
  • their the real deal
  • hi, today we will talk about food supply,shelter, and trade in the paleolithic andneolithic age.
  • Inthe paleolithicage they hunted animals and gathered plants, theirfood supply wasn't dependable.
  • instead of hunting and gathering we use agriculture.
  • In the paleolithic age their shelter was living in caves and building something similar to a tent made out of sticks and leaves
  • instead of living in caves and tents made of sticks and leaves we now live in houses made of mud bricks!
  • About Paleolithic VS. Neolithicby jayne and kaylee.
  • In Paleolithic times hunters and gatherers rarely traded with each other. They found resources nearby.
  • We travel by ships overseas to trade. we also travel over mountains with the help of donkeys.
  • In neolithic they grewcrops instead of huntingand gathering.
  • These changes are important because without farming we wouldn't be able to domesticate animals, people would get really hurt when hunting, and the population would go down. Now we can domesticate animals and that means our population will just go up!
  • back in neolithic times their jobs were trying to find enough food tosurvive and they could developmore specialized skills
  • Paleolithic they hunted and gathered and had to find enough food.
  • These changes were important because in the paleolithic age their shelters were not safe and were not permanent. In the neolithic our shelters are way more safe and permanent and can protect us from animals and weather.
  • Outro
  • Well thanks for watching!
  • in neolithic times they traded flint and obsidian they also traded beauty products. Women rubbed heminite on their lips. in paleolithic times they didn't trde
  • Paleolithic times they had to find enough food for the others to survive and food supply allowed people to develop new jobs, by hunted and gatheredNeolithic times they stopped hunting and gathering and started farming. they grew plants and domesticated animals.
  • thank you for watching make sure to hit that like and subscribebutton ( lol, jk ) byeeeeeeeeBy Kaylee and jayne
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