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  • A very, very long time ago, a man called Peter was a close disciple of Jesus, who really believed in teaching people about who Jesus was. Peter was loyal to Jesus and taught many people about how they could become a follower of God.
  • Am I dreaming? Is this a vision?
  • King Herod decided to put Peter in jail for teaching people about the Lord. He was going to deal with Peter after the Passover, which was a Jewish celebration that celebrated the freedom of the Jews from slavery in ancient Egypt before this happened. The church was praying to God for him. The first night, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, with his arms in chains.
  • Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared in the cell and a very bright light flashed in the cell. He woke Peter up and exclaimed, “Quick, get up!” and then an amazing miracle happened! The chains, like they were controlled by the angel, fell off Peter’s wrists. Then the angel said, “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me!
  • And the next surprise was that somehow the cloak made Peter invisible so no one saw that the angel and Peter crept out of the jail. Peter followed the angel out of the prison and thought he was dreaming!
  • They passed the soldiers in front of the cell without even waking them up and came to the iron gate in front of the city. It opened for them, like it knew that a miracle was happening.
  • When Peter and the angel had walked the length of one street, suddenly he disappeared into the sky. On the ground, Peter had a shock of realisation and worked out what had just happened and that his rescue had happened for a reason.
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