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Bible project

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Bible project
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  • David dies and Soloman becomes king
  • Solomon has a dream about God giving him wisdom.
  • *in dream* I will give you anything you ask me for - GodI want wisdom- Soloman
  • Two women are arguing over who’s son it is and Soloman makes a wise plan to find out whose son it really is.
  • 3) MINE!!!6) okay! Neither of us shall get him.
  • 1) who’s son is it?4)how about i cut the child in half and you each get half? 7)she is the mother!
  • 2) MINE!!!!!5) NO!!! Just let him live!
  • Soloman takes his wife to the city of David until they Finnish the temple.
  • (Talking about making the temple)
  • They make sacrifices to God.
  • Let’s make sacrifices to the Lord!
  • Oh god of the Ammonites!
  • Soloman turned away from God in old age and worshipped other gods.
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