behind school field close up of killer dragging shovel NOTE: only shoes and shovel is showingsound: shovel and gravel noise + suspensful musicEND OF SCENE
Title Sequence
*few days later?*kid playing with friends, ball gets out of field, kid walks up to get ball then sees hand and screamssound: scream
Scene #1
pitch black screen with title of film appearssound: as scream fades, creepy music plays?
scene showing yearbook with student faces crossed off while on fire.Camera pans along yearbook as its getting burned*names of cast, director etc appear slowly and fade slowly*Sound effect: scary noise lmao idk
bullies misbehaving in P5 class
*bell rings*students pack up and walk out
bullies walk out of school and go their separate ways home.
one character takes the bus home
the other bully gets picked up by mum.
last bully is left waiting, then receives a text from mum
Sorry, I can't get off work till 5:30 to pick you up.
Wait in the library, i'll text you when I come.
Ok, see you soon
student getting told library is closed, and must leave.
as student walks back to carpark to wait for mum, she notices a shadow looming over her. turns around and sees nothing there.