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just mercy

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just mercy
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  • exposition
  • conflict
  • rising action
  • Bryan Stevenson a young lawyer began representing Walter McMillan, a black, respectful, suecesful bisness man of a logging company who had an inter racial affair with Karen Kelly a white women
  • climax
  • After the death of Ronda Morsie, a well known white women who was beloved by many, yet nobody to point the gun as for who killed her in broad daylight. The Crimnal Justice System decides to blame and convinced a free, innocent man which we know as Walter Mcmillan because of his race, and he was already out in the open (with the drama of Kelly Karen.) They wrongfully put him on deathrow with his story about the murder made up.
  • falling action
  • Walter is discriminated yet stays positive throughout his time on death row as Steveson manges to gather more evidence, and re-opens the case back up while being threatened by others. With the help of his teammates and Walters family, and outside suporters they are able to overcome obstacles in their way and argue against them in the court room as the suspsence intensives on rather he did or not Steveson comes to the conclusion that Walter did not kill Ronda Morsise because Bill, and Mrys testmonity didnt match up. Mrys also announced he was set up for it to forced to lie about the case to get Mcmillan on deathrow. 
  • resolution
  •  With hard evidence Stevenson brings in for the court with many threats, hard work and determination Walter Mcmillan is finally a free man who was convicted wrongly for racial and unnecessary cruel punishments.
  •  Events following Walters reslase after a few weeks was media flooding them The New York Times covered his exoneration in a font page story both Walter and Steveson gave television interviews as more request awashed them. Walter lived with his sister Katie for months still nervous to move back to monroe country. He has also accepted that Minnie (his wife) wanted to move on without him. After filing a lawsuit Walter receives money (For people set free that was wrongfully convicted they are surpose to recive money they wouldve or couldve made while being free) while the money wasnt much did allow him to start his logging business again although broke his neck later on
  • Walters health started declining as he also started to drink heavily After the incident Walter is severally ill mental and physically suffering from depression and dementia (trauma fueled his all timers was so bad he kept on thinking the nursing home was jail and he was back on death row. He was moved with in his sister Katie (after staying in the nursing home) one morning he fell and fractured his hip. The hospital sent him home for little hope of him recovering, he lost a lot of weight and became less active which lead to his demise on September, 11, 2019
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