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The Geography and development of Greece

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The Geography and development of Greece
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  • The Geography and location of Rome
  • Myth of Romulus and Remus
  • Influence of Etruscan engineering
  • The Italian peninsula is shaped like a boot with the toe pointing to the island of Sicily. There is a myth about the creation of the city of Rome about two boys. Only that is only a myth, there was a small settlement that that had many people. The people, Latinos created the settlement that then became Rome .
  • Influence of Etruscan sports
  • A princes had 2 twin boys named Romulus and Remus. They had a mean uncle who ordered them to be killed. during the night two men kidnap them and tried to drown the kids so they threw them in the river and then they were saved by a wolf. And grew up to be good men who created Rome.
  • Influence of Greek Architecture
  • The Romans were very good builders because they used the Etruscan building techniques. Two things that the roman's learned from the Etruscan was the arch way and the cuniculus. A cuniculus was an under ground drain pipe.
  • Influence of Greek Art,Religion,Writing
  • The Romans had two very bloody sports the one was slave fighting witch the winner was killed any ways. Then there was chariot races which the carts were turned over killing the driver.
  • The Romans adopted concrete. which they use to make the Pantheon in Rome witch was a home for the gods and the Colosseum for the sports battles.
  • The Roman writing was an adaptation of the Greek writing that was written in all capitals. Both Romans and the Greeks admire pottery so the Romans took the Greek art and called it theirs. The Romans adopted the gods and goddesses and changed the name and made their own temple. 
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