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  • Location and Geography of Rome
  • Romulus and Remus Myth
  • Etruscan Influence of Engineering
  • Rome is located in Italy. Rome is a peninsula and is shaped like a boot. The tip of the "boot" is pointed towards the Island of Sicily.
  • Etruscan Influence on Sports
  • The Romulus and Remus myth is a myth about how Rome was founded. The myth starts as a princess gives birth to twin boys. The father was Mars, the god of war. A king was afraid the boys would take his throne, so he ordered men to drown the twins. Before they drowned however, a wolf rescued them. Later on, Romulus kills Remus.
  • Greek Influence of Architecture
  • Etruscans used arches in the engineering field, with the arches resting on pillars. These designs influencing the Romans to build structures like these. The Etruscans also built cuniculus, which is long underground trenches. The Romans also were inspired by this, and brought it into their own engineering.
  • Greek Influence of Art, Writing, and Religion
  • The Etruscans often staged slave fights during funerals. Once the fight would be finished, the winner would be executed. Etruscans also enjoyed spectating chariot races. Participators would be strapped to their chariot. If they overturned, they could be trampled by horses. Despite the injuries that these sports could cause, these sports gained popularity in Rome.
  • The Greeks built buildings that used marble and fancy materials for buildings to honor their gods. The Romans were inspired by some of the Greeks impressive architecture that Romans eventually constructed buildings like the Pantheon. The Romans used concrete to build stadiums like the Colosseum, where gladiators would fight.
  • The Greeks influenced the Roman alphabet. The Greek and Roman alphabet are similar is different ways. One way they are similar is that they both write in all capital letters. Roman writers were influenced by Greek writing. Sometimes the Romans expanded to Greek myths and poetry.
  • -- They write in capital letters-- Similar alphabets-- Inspired by Greek writing-- Carved important documents-- Roman poet expanded on Greek tales.
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