Okay, can please skip to the end. You are taking so much time.
So, I got my learners right? But the thing is I still can't drive by myself and I don't have insurance.
Woah, that's pretty bad. So, you don't want your dad to find out and that's why you want to stay here.
Okay fine. I snuck out with my dad's car and I accidentally hitted a pole in the back. Now the brand new car has a big scratch on the back. My dad is not going to be pleased.
But do you think it is still good to hide from the truth? He is still going to find out somehow. And if you don’t tell him and be honest, that is going to create even more problems.
I don't know what to do.
Your dad texted that he is outside right now.
Just be honest, you can't hide from the truth for long.