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Ancient Civilizations

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Ancient Civilizations
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  • Hi dad, I want that your tell me how was a daily life in the ancient civilizations
  • Ok son, I'm happy because you want to learn!
  • Ancient Mesopotamia had somany firsts - they invented the first wheel, the first super hero, the firstwritten language, the first library, and besides all that, they were also thefirst farmers!
  • Ancient Mesopotamiacovered an area that was about 300 miles long and about 150 miles wide. Thevillages, towns and cities in ancient Mesopotamia were built between the Tigrisand Euphrates Rivers. These two rivers flowed into the Persian Gulf. With allthis water, it's no wonder the ancient Mesopotamians invented the firstsailboat. They made beautiful pottery and built two-level, three-level, andeven four-level homes of sturdy sun-baked brick.
  • The ancient Mesopotamiansalso built impressive entryways into their cities to honor their gods, but alsoto impress visitors.
  • One of the most impressivesites was the avenue that led into the city of Babylon. The picture above is areconstruction of the gate. This avenue was called Procession Street (orProcession Avenue.) Huge pacing brick animals were positioned along both sidesof the avenue as decoration. The avenue passed under the elaborate Ishtar Gate,the 8th gate to the walled city. It was built around 575 BCE by KingNebuchadnezzar II. The walls were glazed brick in cream and blue and browncolors, with designs animals and gods, in honor of Marduk. It was built to honor Marduk, but also to impress visitors.
  • The ancient Sumerians keptwritten records of everything. How much wheat did a farm grow thisyear? Write it down. What do I have in the house? Make a listand write it down. To do all this listing and writing they needed peoplewho could read and write. Many people sent their children to school tolearn to read and write.
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