I will bless every creature and give Earth all they need to survive.
Day 6: God created every animal to roam the Earth and created man and women
Day 7: God had finished his work of creation and so he rested on the seventh day, blessing it and making it holy.
The Story of Creation
The story of creation leads us to think about how God wants to us take care of each other with dignity and respect. Poverty is an example of injustice we face in society today.
God took so much care in creating a world where we had all of the resources and utilities for humanity to survive, and still we have millions of people who live in poverty and harsh conditions.
God did not want people to live in poverty when he put so much love in creating the universe. We need to show others love and care God showed to us and humanity.
The Story of Creation
We need to help those in need, and create a better world that God had planned for us when creating it.
As bearers of God's image, all of us have the responsibility to care of all of God's creations which include humanity.