I personally find the ending of Macbeth a bit disappointing. Though a duel between two warriors is always fun, I feel like it does not do the prophecies justice. So much more could have been done with the prophecy.
One alternative could have been Malcom's army trapping Macbeth in his castle and starving him. No man born of woman would have directly killed him, so this would fit.
Another alternative ending could be the castle being burned down. The fire could have killed Macbeth, which is very much not a man born of woman. Macduff could have started it, fulfilling another prophecy.
Lady Macbeth could have killed Macbeth, possibly with the help or influence of Macduff. She is not a man, so it would fulfill the prophecy. She also has reason to do this, as Macbeth has neglected her in her time of need.
Macbeth could have been driven out of his castle by Malcom's army and been killed by various wilderness hazards, such as rockslides, animals, or a storm.
Another possibility could be Macbeth being driven from Scotland by Malcom and Macduff. He would not have been killed by any man born of women, or even killed at all, but he would have been driven out of his throne by Macduff, which would fulfill the prophecy of Macduff being a danger. There are countless other possibilities, all of which would have been more fulfilling than Macduff being cut from the womb, which feels like a cheat.