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  • God was sending a pharaoh to bring Egyptians to a safe place. Since there slaves and God gave them teaching to live by.
  • Moses didn't want to do that so God gave him punishments. After that he did it and got all his supplies.
  • The 10 plagues on Egypt
  • 1. Blood id mixed with the Nile River2.Frogs cover the land of Egypt3. Gnats is what dust turns into and is put on people4.Flies fill the houses and lands
  • 9. darkness covers the land for three days10. Firstborn son of cattle dies and pharaoh let him leave
  • 5. the livestocks all die6.Festering Boils go everywhere 7.Hail strikes everything8.Locusts eat trees and plants
  • The Ten Commandments
  • 3. keep Holy the Lord's day4.Honor your father and mother5.You shall not kill6.You should not commit adultery7.shall not steal
  • LORD your God: Not have strange Gods before me2.Not take name of LORD your God in vain.
  • 8. not bear false witness against your neighbor9. you shall not covet your neighbors wife 10. You shall not covet your neighbors goods
  • The Egyptian army chased Israelites. Then Moses raised his staff and the sea separated (parted). Then the Israelites crossed on the other side and closed it after. The Egyptians followed but, it flooded and they couldn't cross. So now the Jews are safe.
  • Moses leadership offered a model and forged the Israelites into a united people devoted to a single god.
  • Egypt took Jews to Canaan saying that God watched over them and teaching them things.
  • After traveling through the wilderness to get to Canaan they say in the Hebrew Bible of how they built temples and regions of two kings, etc.
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