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Modern Retelling of The Devil Walker

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Modern Retelling of The Devil Walker
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  • As you wish Debra..
  • Im here to sell my soul can you please allow me to win my competetion, please allow alan's neck to break.
  • Our story begins in a small town called Avendale Coast.Debra a young girl who is famous in this little town for singing and is aboot to perform at tonighs show case.
  • 2) Due to unexpected casualties Alan will not be able to perform today.
  • Debra is about to sell her soul to the devil before she performs to win the signing competetion tonight becuase recenlty her competetor Alan has been way to close to beating her in the montly competeion. She despises her with everything in her and will do anything to see her be beaten.
  • She asks the devil to break alan's neck so she cannot perform in tonights show.
  • A hour later, minutes later before the show starts , Alan's angency annouces she will not be perfroming in tonights show due to a car accident on the way to the performance.
  • 1) FIrst up into tonights show case... ALAN MCLEE!3) Thankyou in such short notice Alan Mclee will be excempt.
  • Debra continues to go on as sceduled and performs and does an amazing job and even secures a spot in the finale for her country.She later is walking into her dorm that night to get ready for the next day when, something awful happens.
  • Congradulations Debra Hill you have scedured your spot in the finale!!!
  • *Cheers and applauses*
  • Later that night Debra's wish has been granted she has won her competition and Alan has broken her neck but a few hours later hers suddnely breaks and us sent to the emergency room... never to sing again .
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