Swimming in rios beautiful waters was a big tourist attraction and the city made lots of money. But after many years of sewage being dumped into the river, to swim is at your own risk. It has negatively affected everyone in the area by the horrendous smell.
The problem only grows and the sewage continues to stack and the pollution gets worse. But along with the pollution the smell just keeps getting worse and worse until finally...
The Brazilian government agreed to privatize Rio de Janeiro's water and sewage treatment, after several years of promises to improve sewage treatment and clean up the state's polluted Guanabara Bay. It is estimated that 90% of all sewerage will by treated by 2033.
The waters were mostly cleaned and it was again safe for people to start swimming. Happiness was given back to the locals.
Although the waters were clear, the stench from the sewage treatment plant was really bad and unhappy were the people of rio again. It wasn't only the sewage which stunk from the plant, it was also the hydrogen sulphide which smelled like rotten eggs.
But in the end the government provided the necessary amount of money to get the plant cleaned. The smell went away and everyone was happy.