Hey, Gudani. I would like to show you my Smart Bed and its features which are linked on an App.
I'm excited to know all about it, Faith. Take me through the process, please.
The most interesting which I think you will love is making sound and music changes straight from my phone.
Tactile cues and air chambers for body adaptation are featured in the bed
Faith has recently bought a Smart Bed. She shows it to her friend, Gudani. Gudani gets excited as she learns that the bed has an app. The app enables Faith to navigate it to control bed sensors, tactile cues, data sonification, and heat adjustments. The app is integrated with Internet of Things (IoT).
This is fascinating, my friend.
Everything I am telling you can also be done in my phone app
The temperature and time are presented as sound. The alarm is also in a format of soft voice that gradually increases for a gentle wake-up. With meditation instruction, soothing natural sounds, or other soothing music, some people feel more rested.The Rise-And_Shine smart bed has Bluetooth connectivity, allowing her to connect her phone to the bed's speaker system and listen to her preferred music while she sleeps or wakes up.
Faith, why am I feeling warm all of the sudden?
Ha ha ha, I've just adjusted the temperature from the app, Gudani.
Inside the mattress, inflated air tubes with pressure sensors allow it to adapt to her body's sleeping position.The Rise-And-Shine app connected to the bed can also be used to remotely control these air tubes.
I can track my sleeping pattern from the app and cast it on TV.
Her smart bed is effortlessly linked to the Internet of Things to enable her operate other smart home appliances like coffee makers, TVs, thermostats, smart lights, and virtual assistants without ever getting out of bed.
Two completely separate zones that can be modified independently of one another are included in a smart bed with position control. This implies that Faith might physically adjust the mattress' head or leg region using an app, while the other side would stay in place. This Smart Bed includes an embedded thermostat that allows Faith to control the temperature of the mattress while she is sleeping. It can do it automatically.
Tracking her movements as she sleeps is one of the features the app has that sets a smart mattress apart from a conventional one. The mattress tracks a range of data including respiration, heartbeat, sleep quality, and pressure to determine how to offer her the most pleasant night's rest. This is done with a single sheet of smart fabric or multiple sensors dispersed throughout the bed. She can set her tracked sleeping pattern as default when she requires to do so from an app.