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  • Henry, I think we need to go live out the American Dream. Things are getting too hard here honey.
  • I know darling, I am doing everything I can to get enough money for all of us.
  • I have seen many families send over one member first, should we try that Henry?
  • I will not leave my family behind, I almost have enough saved for each of us, just one more week Lila. 
  • The Journey to and Through Ellis Island,
  • Come on children we are almost there. Not too far longer!
  • Saving up enough money for all family members to be able to travel was unattainable for many families. Most fmailies sent the husband and father to begin to work to make enough money for tickets for the rest of the family.
  • See, I told you we would make it!
  • Well, our ship will not be here for another couple of weeks. We will be staying in those houses over there.
  • Mommy, where is our ship?
  • NOOOO!
  • One week later...
  • There are so many people here. I can't even lay down!
  • This is a huge feat a family would need to defeat in the journey. Just making. it to the port was an accomplishment. Some families were able to travel by train or donkey, but the lower-class families had to walk.
  • Dad, you have been saying that for three days. We are tired and we are hurting.
  • Sometimes ships would not arrive because they were not on the same schedule as the train schedule. There were other times when paperwork had to be completed at the port before loading the ship. There were places where these immigrants could stay and have food and water while they waited for their ships.... one week and a half later
  • The immigrant ships were very crowded and uncomfortable. Many immigrants were coming to America because they had heard of the American Dream. They wanted their freedom. Through the hard conditions, they were able to stay hopeful for their future. Immigrants would pass time by singing and playing cards. They would also rehearse how to answer questions for when they got to the US.
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