Are your electric bills too high? Well, hold your worries cuz we got your backs. Hi! I am Aireese Cornelio, a MERALCO employee, and together with my team, Jasmine Tuck, Jill Laquinta, Justin Ragpa, Juliani Culi, and Jacky Silot. Nowadays, consumers are complaining about the increasing rate of electricity. That is why we’re here to teach you how to conserve electricity in your own homes, so you don’t have to worry about paying extra for your electric bills.
1.) Unplug any appliances that aren't in use.2.) Reduce your water heating expenses.3)Use Natural Light.
Sure! First you should consider the electronics and turn them off if it's not necessary or not used. For example, you should turn off the lights since it's daytime and you have a window.
Oh Okay, let me get to it.
The fridge should be checked regularly if it's properly closed or the cold might come out and not freeze your beverages
Turn off the a/c and open it when bedtime only. In short you should use Electriclal audit that gives systematic analysis and calculation of the energy used in a facility or household. By this you can conserve energy and also bill amount will come low.
After a Month...
Oh! I'm so happy! The electricity bill is very low now! Thank you electrician for helping me save energy.
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