Hello today we will be talking about the digestive system
Here let me show you the board and heres a picture of what the digestive system looks like
Story Part 1
Today Kushmeet will be teling you all about the digestive system
Esophagus : The esophagus is just like a long tube that is connected with the stomach and mouthStomach : The stomach is just like a large cavity in your stomach that is called Hydrochloric acid that helps the stomach break down food into tini tiny pieces and then gets relesed in the intestinesLiver : The liver creates a chemical called bile which is a highly acdic chemical that helps to break down food and then sends blile to gall bladder Gall Bladder : The gall bladder sends bile to the food and the food gos into the small intestinesSmall intestines : The small intestines are long and thin tubes when the food leaves the stomach the food travels through the intestines with many twists and turns and breaks down the food even further and gos to the large intestines Large Intestine : The large intestine is the last stop of food before it gos out of the body and the food turns into stool while it travels throgh the large intestine and goes to the anus and gets relesed