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Southern Society

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Southern Society
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  • Geographic Features
  • Welcome to the farm!If you look to the right, you'll see the farm that my slaves work on all day.Thanks to the river, my crops don't die.
  • We've worked very hard on this year's fields!
  • Economy
  • The economy in the south runs off of cash crops, such as Cotton, Indigo, and Tobacco, which I grow on my fields
  • This is where my slaves work all day, tending to my crops, and making me money.HEY YOU, GET BACK TO WORK.
  • Yes Sir!
  • The master lets us still have some freedoms, Like attending church, and singing our songs in the fields.
  • The master still lets us attend Sunday church, where we can practice our religion!
  • Cultural
  • Political Climate
  • There is an unbalance between slave states and free states! It must be done!
  • All slave states may stay slave states, but all new states are free states.
  • Who would want to vote for him? We like our slaves doing our work!
  • Geographic Features
  • This water sure is heavy!
  • This is the river that my slaves get water from!
  • Economy
  • Though, on my farm, we only grow cash crops: Cotton, indigo, and tobacco. 
  • This is the market where farmers like me sell their cash crops, and other things, such as eggs, or milk.
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