Dr. Mason Fitch a wealthy man had a daughter name Allison Cogswell. She was born deaf due to a illnesss. During that time period you either sent you child overseas to Braidwood Academy or hired a private tutor. DrMason Fitch refused to send away his daughter and no tutor was qualified to tutor Allison. He gave her books to try help educate Allison which lead to Allison being language less for a long time.
Thomas Goes to France and meets Laurent Clerk
The Galludets and Cogswell are neighbors. Thomas Galludet notices Alliosn Clerk who id deaf. He feels pitty for her and start's teaching her to spell.Galludet disscus the situtation with her dad. They agree that Galludet will tutor allison.Galludet has had this bright idea to start a school.
Laurent Clerk teaches thomas during the voyage to america.
Thomas Galludet and Cogswell got people to get on idea. They asked all rich people with children to get on the idea. They took the idea to the city fathers. They all saved up for Thomas Gallludet to go to Europe.The Goal was to establish a school in the United States.He was turned away immdeiatly by Brainwood Academy.The Academy did not have any intiention to give away there method for free
1817 First ASL School
Thomas Galludet went to france to get a public demostartion by abbe Sicard. Which he was not in gooof terms with.Sicard invited Galludet to the French National Institution. In 1816 he was welcomed in the institution. Even though all his classes were free and had privete tutoring it wasnt enough for him to learn everything.He booked home and Clerc asked to tag along he was tired of being exploided. At first Sicard refused but eventually let him go with Thomas.
take me with you please
During the 51 days on the Mary Augusta. Laurenc was teaching Thomas the main points of LSF. While Thomas taught Laurent english .
Carpet is proununced Kaar-Puht
When Laurent Clerk and Thomas Galludet arrived they started dissucing how to save money up. Alice Cogswell was set in a school near where Laurent Clerk and Thomas Galludet were at. In April 15 1817 the American Asluym for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb persons opened.