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Macbeth fill in the gaps

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Macbeth fill in the gaps
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  • Where shall we meet again sisters?
  • We shall meet in an empty field, after battle.
  • Where we will meet Macbeth.
  • The brave Macbeth did not hesitate to defeat Macdonald.
  • I heard he chopped off the traitor MacDonwald's head.
  • Banquo, your sons will be Kings
  • Macbeth, you will be Thane of Cawdor, and then named King.
  • Act 1 Scene 1: We meet three 'weird' sisters on the heath. The weather is...The witches tell us their plan to...
  • Duncan is coming tonight.
  • You must look like a welcoming host, but be an evil serpent underneath
  • Act 1 Scene 2: A captain who has left the battle, tells King Duncan about Macbeth. He says... We now know that Macbeth is portrayed as...
  • Tonight, we wish to serve you.
  • Lady Macbeth, you are an 'honoured hostess'. Thank you for inviting me to your home
  • Act 1 Scene 3: The witches meetup again, but this time they meet Macbeth and his nobleman, Banquo. They tell Macbeth that... They proceed by telling Banquo...
  • Stop crying and go back up there! We will kill him tonight whether you like it or not!
  • I'm freaking out! I don't know if i can kill him anymore. He's family.
  • Act 1 Scene 5:Lady Macbeth is sent a letter telling her about the prophecy that Macbeth will become King. Macbeth comes home to tell her that...Lady Macbeth then suggests they...
  • Act 1 Scene 6: Duncan arrives with his royal servants and compliments the castle's atmosphere. Lady Macbeth shows her hospitality to everyone.King Duncan believes she is...
  • Act 1 Scene 7: During King Duncan's stay, Macbeth is grappling with his conscience.He is unsure of...However, Lady Macbeth encourages him to...
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