"The two enemies stood glaring at one another for a long silent moment. Each had a rifle in his hand, each had hate in his heart and murder uppermost in his mind" (Saki 5).
"He had to wink away some drops of blood from his eyelashes before he could take in a general view of the disaster" (Saki 2)
"one arm numb beneath him and the other held almost as helplessly in a tight tangle of forked branches, while both legs were pinned beneath the fallen mass."(Saki 2)
"I’m caught in my own forest-land,"(Saki 2/3)
"So you’re not killed, as you ought to be, but you’re caught, anyway,” he cried; “caught fast. Ho, what a jest, Ulrich von Gradwitz snared in his stolen forest. There’s real justice for you!"(Saki 2)
Let us drink, even if to-night one of us dies."(Saki 4)
“No, I can scarcely see anything; there is so much blood caked round my eyes." (Saki 4)
They are making all the speed they can, brave lads,”(Saki 5)