This story begins in 1325. A young Ibn Battuta is making his way towards the holy city of Mecca, participating in the Pilgrimage. As a young man, his eagerness for exploration influenced his motivation for these harsh and expansive journeys.
Ibn Battuta's Journey started in Tangier, Morocco... his place of birth. Once he hit 21...Ibn set off towards Egypt, alone riding a donkey
At Last, the city of Tiemcen
After traversing through harsh conditions within Northern Africa, Ibn Battuta finally arrived in the Trade city of Tiemcen
This bustling trade city led Ibn straight to the a pilgrimage trail.After traveling through what seemed to be barren wastelands, he finally caught up with a group of other travelers.
This group was well set on completing Hajj, but for Ibn Battuta... he hoped to study Muslim religion and law and learn from well renowed scholars.
After around a year of travel, Ibn Battuta finally completed the pilgrimage , after falling ill multiple times, seeing most of Northern Africa and even documenting all of his travels along the way.