the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
An example of climate change is The Ice Age. During this time it wasn't nearly as hot as it is now and the whole world was covered in Ice but during time the ice melted resulting in the end of the Ice Age because of the Climate Change
There is many ways geoncologst can discover previous weathers and one of them is Ice cores. Ice Cores can tell scientist about temperature, precipitation and volcanic activities. The layers of the cores are different than each other making it able to determine how heavy was the weather
The Milankovitch cycles collects information of Earth's movements and its climate change over many thousands of years
These cycles affectthe amount of sunlight and therefore, energy, that Earth absorbs from the Sun.
Volcanoes are a huge cause of global warming because when it erupts it releases many chemicals like ashes and the volcanic eruptions that hit the atmosphere and only take a couple of days to affect the climate which over time will worsen
Ocean currents have a big role on climate change because the flow of the water makes the change to weather making it windy or cold where the water and it send heat to different areas