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  • Paleolithic
  • 1. Early humans were born. 2. Early humans migrated to the Sahara Desert because of the lush vegetation and ample wildlife. 3. A drought in the Sahara caused humans to migrate to other places. 4. Early humans were migrating to many places. They were always 5. Early humans started to settle down and stay put.
  • Paleolithic
  • Paleolthic
  • Paleolithic
  • Neolithic
  • Early humans in the Paleolithic age migrated from East Africa to the Sahara, Southwest Asia, Europe, Australia, Serbia, North America, South America, and Fertile Crescent. These people were called nomads. Nomads migrated from place to place hunting and gathering. They traveled in groups of around 30 people. They lived in temporary housing. However, in the Neolithic Age, some nomads decided to settle down near rivers with fertile soil.
  • Hunter-Gatherers in the Paleolithic Age would walk miles hunting Megafaunas such as Woolly Mammoths and Saber-Toothed Cats. They would also gather nuts and berries. However, in the Neolithic Age, many Hunter-Gatherers started settling down in permanent housing. This led to early humans using agriculture. They would farm instead of gathering, and domesticate and rear animals instead of hunting.
  • In the Paleolithic Age, early humans lived in temporary houses made out of wood, bones, or animal skins because they were constantly migrating from place to place. However, in the Neolithic Age, some early humans started to settle down near rivers with fertile soil. They began to build permanent houses and stay put.
  • Early humans in the Paleolithc Age used simple stone tools for hunting and gathering. However, in the Neolithic Age early humans started making more complex tools out of metal.
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