To avoid causing an anemic condition to Radha, she will need to take iron pills.
There isn't a need of taking iron pills, she can include iron rich foods in her diet.
Iron pills will be more effective than consuming iron rich foods as it preserves the immune system and maintains the body temperature.
Similarly, the iron rich foods also help make extra blood for the baby and will also provide more oxygen from the lungs to the baby. The pills will cause problems like constipation and vomitting during pregnancy.
I agree with her doctor. The pills might have certain side effects.
Including a high amount of iron rich foods in her diet will increase the risk of pre-term birth and also increase her blood pressure. Also iron rich foods will also include non-veg items which I think that your society will not consider, so supplements is a better option.
Ya, this is also a case. We also need to follow our responsibilities towards our community. But doctor, the supplements will be way too expensive as compared to the food supplements.
Yeah, but I have rights to decide that what will be suitable for me and my child.
To ensure the intake of 1,000 mg of iron per day, the pills are perfect because each pill contains a lot of iron so consuming two to three per day will be beneficial and also be able to measure the iron intake Whereas, in food you wouldn't know the amount of iron Radha will be intaking.
I think that if the doctor is prescribing the iron pills, then it won't have severe side effects but I can reduce the amount of pills per day. I would have one pill a day and I will cover the left amount of iron intake through iron rich foods for a balanced diet without any severe issues.
To avoid causing an anemic condition to Radha, she will need to take iron pills.
There isn't a need of taking iron pills, she can include iron rich foods in her diet.
Iron pills will be more effective than consuming iron rich foods as it preserves the immune system and maintains the body temperature.
Similarly, the iron rich foods also help make extra blood for the baby and will also provide more oxygen from the lungs to the baby. The pills will cause problems like constipation and vomitting during pregnancy.
I agree with her doctor. The pills might have certain side effects.
Including a high amount of iron rich foods in her diet will increase the risk of pre-term birth and also increase her blood pressure. Also iron rich foods will also include non-veg items which I think that your society will not consider, so supplements is a better option.
Ya, this is also a case. We also need to follow our responsibilities towards our community. But doctor, the supplements will be way too expensive as compared to the food supplements.
Yeah, but I have rights to decide that what will be suitable for me and my child.
To ensure the intake of 1,000 mg of iron per day, the pills are perfect because each pill contains a lot of iron so consuming two to three per day will be beneficial and also be able to measure the iron intake Whereas, in food you wouldn't know the amount of iron Radha will be intaking.
I think that if the doctor is prescribing the iron pills, then it won't have severe side effects but I can reduce the amount of pills per day. I would have one pill a day and I will cover the left amount of iron intake through iron rich foods for a balanced diet without any severe issues.
To avoid causing an anemic condition to Radha, she will need to take iron pills.
There isn't a need of taking iron pills, she can include iron rich foods in her diet.
Iron pills will be more effective than consuming iron rich foods as it preserves the immune system and maintains the body temperature.
Similarly, the iron rich foods also help make extra blood for the baby and will also provide more oxygen from the lungs to the baby. The pills will cause problems like constipation and vomitting during pregnancy.
I agree with her doctor. The pills might have certain side effects.
Including a high amount of iron rich foods in her diet will increase the risk of pre-term birth and also increase her blood pressure. Also iron rich foods will also include non-veg items which I think that your society will not consider, so supplements is a better option.
Ya, this is also a case. We also need to follow our responsibilities towards our community. But doctor, the supplements will be way too expensive as compared to the food supplements.
Yeah, but I have rights to decide that what will be suitable for me and my child.
To ensure the intake of 1,000 mg of iron per day, the pills are perfect because each pill contains a lot of iron so consuming two to three per day will be beneficial and also be able to measure the iron intake Whereas, in food you wouldn't know the amount of iron Radha will be intaking.
I think that if the doctor is prescribing the iron pills, then it won't have severe side effects but I can reduce the amount of pills per day. I would have one pill a day and I will cover the left amount of iron intake through iron rich foods for a balanced diet without any severe issues.
To avoid causing an anemic condition to Radha, she will need to take iron pills.
There isn't a need of taking iron pills, she can include iron rich foods in her diet.
Iron pills will be more effective than consuming iron rich foods as it preserves the immune system and maintains the body temperature.
Similarly, the iron rich foods also help make extra blood for the baby and will also provide more oxygen from the lungs to the baby. The pills will cause problems like constipation and vomitting during pregnancy.
I agree with her doctor. The pills might have certain side effects.
Including a high amount of iron rich foods in her diet will increase the risk of pre-term birth and also increase her blood pressure. Also iron rich foods will also include non-veg items which I think that your society will not consider, so supplements is a better option.
Ya, this is also a case. We also need to follow our responsibilities towards our community. But doctor, the supplements will be way too expensive as compared to the food supplements.
Yeah, but I have rights to decide that what will be suitable for me and my child.
To ensure the intake of 1,000 mg of iron per day, the pills are perfect because each pill contains a lot of iron so consuming two to three per day will be beneficial and also be able to measure the iron intake Whereas, in food you wouldn't know the amount of iron Radha will be intaking.
I think that if the doctor is prescribing the iron pills, then it won't have severe side effects but I can reduce the amount of pills per day. I would have one pill a day and I will cover the left amount of iron intake through iron rich foods for a balanced diet without any severe issues.
To avoid causing an anemic condition to Radha, she will need to take iron pills.
There isn't a need of taking iron pills, she can include iron rich foods in her diet.
Iron pills will be more effective than consuming iron rich foods as it preserves the immune system and maintains the body temperature.
Similarly, the iron rich foods also help make extra blood for the baby and will also provide more oxygen from the lungs to the baby. The pills will cause problems like constipation and vomitting during pregnancy.
I agree with her doctor. The pills might have certain side effects.
Including a high amount of iron rich foods in her diet will increase the risk of pre-term birth and also increase her blood pressure. Also iron rich foods will also include non-veg items which I think that your society will not consider, so supplements is a better option.
Ya, this is also a case. We also need to follow our responsibilities towards our community. But doctor, the supplements will be way too expensive as compared to the food supplements.
Yeah, but I have rights to decide that what will be suitable for me and my child.
To ensure the intake of 1,000 mg of iron per day, the pills are perfect because each pill contains a lot of iron so consuming two to three per day will be beneficial and also be able to measure the iron intake Whereas, in food you wouldn't know the amount of iron Radha will be intaking.
I think that if the doctor is prescribing the iron pills, then it won't have severe side effects but I can reduce the amount of pills per day. I would have one pill a day and I will cover the left amount of iron intake through iron rich foods for a balanced diet without any severe issues.
To avoid causing an anemic condition to Radha, she will need to take iron pills.
There isn't a need of taking iron pills, she can include iron rich foods in her diet.
Iron pills will be more effective than consuming iron rich foods as it preserves the immune system and maintains the body temperature.
Similarly, the iron rich foods also help make extra blood for the baby and will also provide more oxygen from the lungs to the baby. The pills will cause problems like constipation and vomitting during pregnancy.
I agree with her doctor. The pills might have certain side effects.
Including a high amount of iron rich foods in her diet will increase the risk of pre-term birth and also increase her blood pressure. Also iron rich foods will also include non-veg items which I think that your society will not consider, so supplements is a better option.
Ya, this is also a case. We also need to follow our responsibilities towards our community. But doctor, the supplements will be way too expensive as compared to the food supplements.
Yeah, but I have rights to decide that what will be suitable for me and my child.
To ensure the intake of 1,000 mg of iron per day, the pills are perfect because each pill contains a lot of iron so consuming two to three per day will be beneficial and also be able to measure the iron intake Whereas, in food you wouldn't know the amount of iron Radha will be intaking.
I think that if the doctor is prescribing the iron pills, then it won't have severe side effects but I can reduce the amount of pills per day. I would have one pill a day and I will cover the left amount of iron intake through iron rich foods for a balanced diet without any severe issues.
To avoid causing an anemic condition to Radha, she will need to take iron pills.
There isn't a need of taking iron pills, she can include iron rich foods in her diet.
Iron pills will be more effective than consuming iron rich foods as it preserves the immune system and maintains the body temperature.
Similarly, the iron rich foods also help make extra blood for the baby and will also provide more oxygen from the lungs to the baby. The pills will cause problems like constipation and vomitting during pregnancy.
I agree with her doctor. The pills might have certain side effects.
Including a high amount of iron rich foods in her diet will increase the risk of pre-term birth and also increase her blood pressure. Also iron rich foods will also include non-veg items which I think that your society will not consider, so supplements is a better option.
Ya, this is also a case. We also need to follow our responsibilities towards our community. But doctor, the supplements will be way too expensive as compared to the food supplements.
Yeah, but I have rights to decide that what will be suitable for me and my child.
To ensure the intake of 1,000 mg of iron per day, the pills are perfect because each pill contains a lot of iron so consuming two to three per day will be beneficial and also be able to measure the iron intake Whereas, in food you wouldn't know the amount of iron Radha will be intaking.
I think that if the doctor is prescribing the iron pills, then it won't have severe side effects but I can reduce the amount of pills per day. I would have one pill a day and I will cover the left amount of iron intake through iron rich foods for a balanced diet without any severe issues.