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  • Holly met her boyfriend at Chick-Fil-A in 2016, but it was not until 2017 that they started talking as friends. On July 10, 2017 Holly and Jordan went to Yorktown beach where you asked my to be your girlfriend under the sunset. They spent the rest of the day at the beach and then went to pelicans snowballs. 
  • After the summer of 2017, Jordan left to start your sophomore year at Virginia Tech. Holly and Jordan did long distance for the next two years only seeing each other on school breaks and birthdays. It was a long road but they made it passed that and Jordan graduated in May of 2020.
  • Once Jordan graduated we spent the summer at the beach and hanging out with our families. Holly and Jordan took Liam, Holly's youngest sibling to water country almost every week and watched as he rode every ride multiple times a day. Jordan also begun the police academy in April of 2020. 
  • October 2020, Jordan graduated from the NN police academy. Jordan then begun working midnights, catching drug dealers and chasing people down after shooters, and sadly watching people die. Since then Jordan has begun a new part of his training HIP where we see a little less of those things. 
  • Holly is now done with her 4th year of school and has one more year to go. Holly struggles with school most days and it does not come easy to her than to others. In her spare time she spends time at work or with her 3 siblings. 
  • Holly and Jordan  are now almost 5 years into this relationship and working on saving up to by a house and get married soon. It has been an amazing 5 years with my best friend. Jordan is the most influential person in my life and the person who helps me be the best person I can be. 
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