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In newspapers more often people get news, information, and different events as well. It is also a source of entertainment for some before.

The telephone was invented which people used before as a way to communicate with other people that are far away from each other.

The transistor radio was a source of vital news, announcements, information, entertainment, and even listening to music for people before.

Like newspapers and radios, television is a reliable source of news, information, and entertainment for people. But unlike newspapers and radios, it has a video that better shows what a program wants to convey.

Time has advanced and the internet has been invented as well as earlier versions of computers which have made it easier to gather information and resources of extensive entertainment for people.

Time became even more advanced as it passed. Tablets and smartphones have been invented that made it much easier for people to access social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube as sources of fun, news, and information whenever and wherever you are ( as long as you have internet).

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