Our civilization was next to the indus river valley so we had plenty of resources.
The civilization was in north west india. It was active during 2500-1700 BCE.
These are our houses, they are made from dry mud bricks that we either let sit in the sun or put in a kiln to dry up into the molds. It was important to make sure these were strong so they could hold each other up when making houses.
The homes had very flat rooftops so, some people would play up there and sometimes if it's a nice cool night they would sleep under the stars.
This is the great bath where we cleanse peoples spirits and where people clean and relax after a long day.
We have public bathrooms and even have a sewage system that runs throughout the city. The sewage system prevented human waste from building up
They also have drains that carry trash from the street away.
They likely believed in multiple gods but one of them was known as Mother Goddess
We trading goods such as clay pots, beads, and cotton cloths for stuff we cannot get.
It was important to trade so we could get what we needed to thrive as a kingdom
We put things like our gods and goddesses and trees and plants on our stamps the pipal or fig tree is and is a sacred tree for us. These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
Our civilization was next to the indus river valley so we had plenty of resources.
The civilization was in north west india. It was active during 2500-1700 BCE.
These are our houses, they are made from dry mud bricks that we either let sit in the sun or put in a kiln to dry up into the molds. It was important to make sure these were strong so they could hold each other up when making houses.
The homes had very flat rooftops so, some people would play up there and sometimes if it's a nice cool night they would sleep under the stars.
This is the great bath where we cleanse peoples spirits and where people clean and relax after a long day.
We have public bathrooms and even have a sewage system that runs throughout the city. The sewage system prevented human waste from building up
They also have drains that carry trash from the street away.
They likely believed in multiple gods but one of them was known as Mother Goddess
We trading goods such as clay pots, beads, and cotton cloths for stuff we cannot get.
It was important to trade so we could get what we needed to thrive as a kingdom
We put things like our gods and goddesses and trees and plants on our stamps the pipal or fig tree is and is a sacred tree for us. These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
Our civilization was next to the indus river valley so we had plenty of resources.
The civilization was in north west india. It was active during 2500-1700 BCE.
These are our houses, they are made from dry mud bricks that we either let sit in the sun or put in a kiln to dry up into the molds. It was important to make sure these were strong so they could hold each other up when making houses.
The homes had very flat rooftops so, some people would play up there and sometimes if it's a nice cool night they would sleep under the stars.
This is the great bath where we cleanse peoples spirits and where people clean and relax after a long day.
We have public bathrooms and even have a sewage system that runs throughout the city. The sewage system prevented human waste from building up
They also have drains that carry trash from the street away.
They likely believed in multiple gods but one of them was known as Mother Goddess
We trading goods such as clay pots, beads, and cotton cloths for stuff we cannot get.
It was important to trade so we could get what we needed to thrive as a kingdom
We put things like our gods and goddesses and trees and plants on our stamps the pipal or fig tree is and is a sacred tree for us. These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
Our civilization was next to the indus river valley so we had plenty of resources.
The civilization was in north west india. It was active during 2500-1700 BCE.
These are our houses, they are made from dry mud bricks that we either let sit in the sun or put in a kiln to dry up into the molds. It was important to make sure these were strong so they could hold each other up when making houses.
The homes had very flat rooftops so, some people would play up there and sometimes if it's a nice cool night they would sleep under the stars.
This is the great bath where we cleanse peoples spirits and where people clean and relax after a long day.
We have public bathrooms and even have a sewage system that runs throughout the city. The sewage system prevented human waste from building up
They also have drains that carry trash from the street away.
They likely believed in multiple gods but one of them was known as Mother Goddess
We trading goods such as clay pots, beads, and cotton cloths for stuff we cannot get.
It was important to trade so we could get what we needed to thrive as a kingdom
We put things like our gods and goddesses and trees and plants on our stamps the pipal or fig tree is and is a sacred tree for us. These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
Our civilization was next to the indus river valley so we had plenty of resources.
The civilization was in north west india. It was active during 2500-1700 BCE.
These are our houses, they are made from dry mud bricks that we either let sit in the sun or put in a kiln to dry up into the molds. It was important to make sure these were strong so they could hold each other up when making houses.
The homes had very flat rooftops so, some people would play up there and sometimes if it's a nice cool night they would sleep under the stars.
This is the great bath where we cleanse peoples spirits and where people clean and relax after a long day.
We have public bathrooms and even have a sewage system that runs throughout the city. The sewage system prevented human waste from building up
They also have drains that carry trash from the street away.
They likely believed in multiple gods but one of them was known as Mother Goddess
We trading goods such as clay pots, beads, and cotton cloths for stuff we cannot get.
It was important to trade so we could get what we needed to thrive as a kingdom
We put things like our gods and goddesses and trees and plants on our stamps the pipal or fig tree is and is a sacred tree for us. These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
Our civilization was next to the indus river valley so we had plenty of resources.
The civilization was in north west india. It was active during 2500-1700 BCE.
These are our houses, they are made from dry mud bricks that we either let sit in the sun or put in a kiln to dry up into the molds. It was important to make sure these were strong so they could hold each other up when making houses.
The homes had very flat rooftops so, some people would play up there and sometimes if it's a nice cool night they would sleep under the stars.
This is the great bath where we cleanse peoples spirits and where people clean and relax after a long day.
We have public bathrooms and even have a sewage system that runs throughout the city. The sewage system prevented human waste from building up
They also have drains that carry trash from the street away.
They likely believed in multiple gods but one of them was known as Mother Goddess
We trading goods such as clay pots, beads, and cotton cloths for stuff we cannot get.
It was important to trade so we could get what we needed to thrive as a kingdom
We put things like our gods and goddesses and trees and plants on our stamps the pipal or fig tree is and is a sacred tree for us. These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
Our civilization was next to the indus river valley so we had plenty of resources.
The civilization was in north west india. It was active during 2500-1700 BCE.
These are our houses, they are made from dry mud bricks that we either let sit in the sun or put in a kiln to dry up into the molds. It was important to make sure these were strong so they could hold each other up when making houses.
The homes had very flat rooftops so, some people would play up there and sometimes if it's a nice cool night they would sleep under the stars.
This is the great bath where we cleanse peoples spirits and where people clean and relax after a long day.
We have public bathrooms and even have a sewage system that runs throughout the city. The sewage system prevented human waste from building up
They also have drains that carry trash from the street away.
They likely believed in multiple gods but one of them was known as Mother Goddess
We trading goods such as clay pots, beads, and cotton cloths for stuff we cannot get.
It was important to trade so we could get what we needed to thrive as a kingdom
We put things like our gods and goddesses and trees and plants on our stamps the pipal or fig tree is and is a sacred tree for us. These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.
These stamps showed that the stuff was ours.