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  • Exposition
  • Ni-kan.You watch.
  • girl i'm only nine
  • Conflict
  • I won't let her change me,I promised myself.I won't be what I'm not.
  • Rising Action
  • your wife's fingers feels like a old peach. 😂
  • Ni-kan's mother belived Ni-kan good become the next Shirely temple. And both would spend time watching Shirley temple movies. Her mother would make her observe, since her mother had told her that in america you could become whatever or be best at anything you wanted and had hopes that her daughter would become a prodigy.
  • Climax
  • I was surprised when I hit the first.and when I hit another and another.
  • Ni-Kan at first the liked idea be coming a prodigy then soon realized the image of her becoming a prodigy made her impatient and have hatred towards herself. Her mother had pressured her to do things she never wanted to do she hated how she had high hopes. She later goes to the bathroom a stares at her prodigy self then saw she wasn't happy but instead full of anger.
  • Falling Action
  • A few months go by and Ni-kan still wasn't a prodigy. Her mother had seen a piano on tv and encouraged her to learn hoe to play. Her family was to poor to afford a piano, so her mother had offered her neighbor from the first floor of the apartment clean services for weekly lessons for everyday for 2 hours. Later on NI-kan foud out Mr.chong was always taping the piano because he was death.
  • Resolution
  • It looked more difficult than I remembered.
  • After months of practice with Mr.chong , Ni-kan was attending a tanlent show being held at the church hall. Her parents bought her a piano for the show after saving up money. Her parents had invited a lot of people to attend her show. After the first few preformers went up it was Ni-kan' turn went up and began playing it all was going goo until she hit he first wrong note she continued to hit the wrong notes. After gettig off stage she over heard a kid say that was awful.
  • On the way back homw her mother hadn't sopken a word to her.Ni-kan had assumed fater her tanent show she wouldn't play the piano ever again. But her mother had yanked her from the floor reminding her she had pioano practice. She told her mother she didnt wanna go anymore. While sobbing she yelled at her mother you want me to be something that i'm not. i wish you weren't my mother. She snapped at her mom one last time and said i wish i were dead like them.
  • I feel disappointment
  • Ni-kan went to visit her parent's apartmentafter her mother's death. She tuned her piano after fixing it , inside her bench she found her old music book and she opened it and found the music sheet of the song she was supposed to play at the talent show.And played a few noes she remberrd and relzied she was playing she played the whole song.
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