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  • For his Health Psychology Project, Isaac decided to post a picture of himself which was taken after going for a jog.
  • Since I'm having a Health Project maybe I'll just upload this picture of me after going for a jog.
  • Two students saw Isaac's post and decided to comment negatively on his post anonymously. Isaac checked on his post and saw the hate comments and he started feeling sad and anxious.
  • What a joker, let's use our fake account to comment on his post since his account is public.
  • Hey look at this, he posted a picture for his Health Project. He probably just faking that his went for a jog haha!
  • Fat!!!!
  • loser!
  • you're ugly
  • Isaac hide what his going through because he felt embarrassed about it and distanced himself from his friends. However, Isaac's friends were really concern about his abnormal behavior and were ready to find out what was the cause.
  • Hey, did you and Isaac talked today, he's been very anxious since break time.
  • No. We really need to find what's gotten into him today. He's keep distancing himself from all of us.
  • As they wanted to head to the library, Isaac's friends heard two students talking about Isaac's post and saying that they want to continue commenting on his post saying that he should give up.
  • Yes we should. Say that he should give up trying.
  • We should continue commenting oh his post.
  • We should confront them!
  • Isaac's friends confronted the bully and it was come to know that the change in Isaac behavior was due to these two students who have been cyber bullying all along by leaving negative comment. Isaac's friends advised the bully and told them to apologize to Isaac on their act.
  • We were just playing, we're really sorry.
  • We're sorry guys
  • Do you guys think cyberbullying is a game to be playing around? Do you guys know how much it effects someone mentally?
  • You shouldn't be saying sorry to us but to the victim itself
  • The bullies apologized to Isaac and he forgave them. The friends of Isaac introduced their campaign on "Loosing Battle Against Cyberbullying" to Isaac and the two other students to create more awareness regarding this serious issue.
  • We're really sorry Isaac
  • We should talk about our campaign to them
  • It's okay, I have forgiven you guys. I hope you guys don't repeat it again.
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