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  • Abraham's Descendants, the Israelites
  • From Slavery to Freedom
  • Someone save us!!
  • The Exodus: Escape from Slavery
  • WOW!!!!!
  • Put out your hand my child.
  • Abraham and his wife, had a son named Isaac. Isaac later had his own wife, Rebekah, and had their son, Jacob who was later named Israel, by God.  The name "Israel" meant  "one who has contended with divine and human beings." The Israelites or now known as the Jews were then made as they were all people who descended under Israel/Jacob.
  • In the Desert
  • The peace and freedom in Egypt suddenly ended for the Israelites as they were enslaved by the Pharaohs. The Pharaohs were very cruel people. The Pharaohs would make the Israelites do grueling jobs such as making bricks and constructing buildings. The Israelites silently cried to themselves and hoped for freedom again. Fortunately, about 100 years later, a man by the name of Moses helped free the Israelites.
  • Wandering for Forty Years
  • Everyone behold! A new God
  • After Moses freed the Israelites the Pharaohs refused to let go of their slaves and went after Moses. When they were catching up, God told Moses to put out his hands and suddenly, the Red sea parted ways. The Israelites and Moses hurriedly make their way to the other side and God once again told Moses to put out his hands so he could put the sea back into place and drown the Pharaohs.
  • The Promised Land+
  • Once the Israel's got out of Egypt, they soon started to complain. They started to grumble about their surroundings and lack of food and claimed they would rather be enslaved with food than be in the desert without. Although, God still loved them and aided them with manna and quail to eat.
  • "I rather be enslaved than stay here!"
  • "Why are we in the middle of a desert anyways!?"
  • The Israels started losing their faith in God and started worshipping other false Gods.Moses was furious when he found out what the Israels were doing. However,r god did not abandon the Israels. He only punished them by making them wait 40 years through mistakes, harships and triumph so they could trust God more deeply.
  • At the end of the journey to the promised land, Moses sadly did not make it. However, the other Israelis did make it into the promised land which is now known as Palestine, Israel or the Holy Land.
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