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  • We are alomst there
  • Im so excited to see what we can find!
  • UHH
  • OH NO!
  • Strangers! Who are you? And where are you from?
  • No! What are you doing!
  • You Cruel animal! Why would you do that to him!
  • Odysseus and his crew are on the way to the Cyclops island.
  • Nice shot guys!
  • Odysseus and his men go into a cave and see a lot of food and sheep. But little did they know the Cyclops was lurking in the corner...
  • Lets get out of here while he is blind guys!
  • The Cyclops starts to eat some of Odyseeus's men. After, Odysseus offers his wine to Cyclops which has special effects.Cyclops, try some wine. Here’s liquor to wash down your scraps of men.
  • Grant that Odysseus, never see his home: Laertes's son. Should denstiny intend that he shall see his roof again among his family in his father land, far be that day, and dark the years between.
  • Odysseus and his crew stab the Cyclops in his eye so that they can escape. I drew it from the coals and my four fellows gave me a hand... straight forward they sprinted, lifted it, and rammed it deep in his crater eye.
  • Now that the Cyclops is blind, Odysseus and his crew use the Cyclops's sheep to escape and not let the Cyclops to see them.
  • Odysseus and the remainder of his men are finally able to escape the cave and sail away. Odysseus gets cursed by cyclops for tricking him.
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