Thank you for coming to the race and raising money for pancreatic cancer research.
I got this! First place here I come!
My girlfriend and I arrived in the parking lot and followed the loud music to where the festival was being held. It was my first bike race and I was nervous. It would be 24 miles of winding roads and hills between me and the finish line.
What a bummer!
13 Miles
The racers lined their bikes at the starting line and I double-checked my pack and my helmet. The man called out, “I am very grateful that you are all here to help support research on pancreatic cancer. Let the race begin!”
OH NO! I was so close to catching up!
I worked to control my breathing as I accelerated down the street and through a series of winding turns. I was comfortably in 4th place and knew that I would be able to stay here for a while before making my move to take the lead.
There is always next year...
I do feel good about how well I did before my bike broke...
I was nearing the 13-mile mark and was getting ready to move into 1st place when my chain snapped! I watched as the other bikers passed me and called out “What a bummer” and “That sucks, dude. Better luck next time.”
I managed to fix my chain and took off down the street as fast as I could. Eventually, I was able to catch up to the last racer and thought to myself, At least I won’t be last… But then there was a loud crash as the rear derailleur of my bike snapped. I knew my race was over.
I nice person gave me and my bike a ride back to the festival. I cheered as the other bikers crossed the finish line a while after. I felt disappointed and upset that my bike had broken, but I did feel good that I had done so well up until that point.
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