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Cellular respiration

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Cellular respiration
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  • Grandma, your so silly plants don't breathe
  • Grandma, are plants alive?
  • Of course they are, they need nutrients, they breathe
  • Yes they do, dear. They breathe through a process called cellular respiration
  • ???
  • What is cellular respiration?
  • Cellular respiration is broken down into three stages. Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain
  • Come with me. I have something that might help
  • Pretend that this cookie is a glucose molecule. Now when you bite it it turns into lots of pieces right? Those pieces are called pyruvate. And in order for you to bite you had to use energy. For glycolysis to work energy needs to be used.That's the glycolysis step.
  • Oh that makes sense.
  • So in Glycolysis. It takes in one molecule of glucose, 2 ATP's and 2 NAD+ and the outputs are2 pyruvate, 2 NADH( this is an electron carrier) and 4 ATP. This is an anaerobic process which means it doesn't use oxygen
  • The second step is called the krebs cycle. This takes in two pyruvates and NAD+, ATP. The outputs are CO2, 3NADH, 3FADH2 and 2ATP. This process is aerobic meaning it uses oxygen to work.
  • Ok, but i'm still confused on how the that makes enough plant energy.
  • The inputs of the electron transport chain are 6NADH and 2FADH2. The outputs are 6 oxygens and 30-42 ATP molecules.
  • Think of it as taking choclate chips from the bag (electron carriers) and then mixing them in with the cookie dough. The choclate chips are the electrons and the dough is the oxygen. Then you put it in the oven and when you take it out its baked cookies. The oven acts as an ATP synthsizer and creates the energy which is the cookies.
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