SixThey are falling faster now. Three daysago there were almost a hundred leaves.
When the last leaf falls, I will dieI have known this for the last three days.”
It is autumnn and the leaves will fall
“Oh, that’s nonsense,” “What have old ivy leaves to do with your getting well? The doctor is confident that you will get better.”
What is it, dear?
I don’t want any soup.I am not hungry… Nowthere are only four leaves left. I want to see the last one fall beforeit gets dark. Then I will sleep forever
You are notgoing to die. I can’t draw the curtain for I need the light. I want tofinish the painting and get some money for us. Please, my dear friend
Johnsy did not say anything.
Sue went and brought her abowl of soup.
Sue sat on Johnsy’s bed, kissed hershe begged Johnsy, “promise not to look out of the windowwhile I paint