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Stick Guys

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Stick Guys
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  • Do Do Do *waits*
  • Hey! What took you so long dingus.
  • Uh.. i walked here duh DINGUS.
  • Welp Lets Go little Nugget!
  • Ok! Big Nugget!
  • Oh do you remember that deer pooping right in front of us!
  • Oh yeah!
  • Uh Goose Poop.
  • OoOoOooooO Pretty
  • (show is going on)
  • how bout we go to the cafe before the show
  • Oh you remember that cool!
  • Stepping Stone Cafe
  • Thanks!
  • Two chocolate milkshakes please!
  • Menu
  • I know! There so yummy!
  • Theses milkshakes are so good!
  • Menu
  • Lets Head To The Show it starts at 5:00 and its 4:52
  • Ok and after lets go to my house
  • Where almost there!
  • [Open]
  • Finnaly we are here!
  • Also an-d
  • When Johnny is talking shut your trap otherwise your booty will get a slap
  • I know! now lets head to my house!
  • Ah that was funny!
  • Here we are!
  • Lets go!
  • I know its a bit kid and it has a bunk bed but at least its good for two!
  • Its fine!
  • I'm going to go get ready for bed!
  • Same!
  • *brushes teeth*
  • I'm going to go to bed!
  • Same
  • Do Do Do Do
  • Good Night
  • Good Night Nugget
  • ZZZzzzZZZ
  • ZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZ
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