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Early humans,by Camyla Figueroa

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Early humans,by Camyla Figueroa
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  • Hey do you want to learn about the early humans
  • Yea sure even though that sounds boring
  • So these are early humans the people that were the first humans.Some different species of early humans is Homo habilis,Homo sapiens,Homo erectus and etc.
  • Wow these are humans that came before us so cool.
  • Some accoplishments of the early humans were making a fire or making weapons out of the resources they had and even making their own language.
  • The first remains of early humans were found on the island of java in Asia but they are also found in France and Africa in 1891 some were discovered by eugene Dubios.
  • How archaeologists were able to tell which early humans they were was by thing like the bone structure, the structure of the brain , muscles, and even their diet.
  • Some people in the world don't belive we came from early humans.They probably think that the evidence is photo shop.In my opinion I think we came from early humans I mean there is so much evidence to support that like how they found the different types of early humans was by the fossils and everything so that's just my opinion.
  • Wow that was so fun to learn about thank you.
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