BIlly arrives at Bath for work. He asks where places are to sleep at and gets directed to a hotel called Bell and Dragon.
On his way he passses by a sign that says Bed and Breakfast. It looks cozy and the landlady isn't charging much.
As Billy gets inside he notices empty coat and umbrella racks. He also notices a beautiful bird and well-behaved dog in the house. Later the Landlady asks him to sign himself in the guest book, and their sign in dates were two-three years prior.
When Billy brings up the animals she reveals she stuffed them herself which he is amazed by her job she did on them. She also mentions her previous guests are still upstairs after almost three years.
Billy keeps asking questions about the names in the book because he thinks he remembers reading about them in the newspaper. However, the Landlady dodges these questions as they drink their tea.
As Billy drinks the tea he notices it tastes bitter and kind of like almonds. We can infer that Billy drinks cyanide and he died:(