On the other hand I should stick to my morales and what my parents have taught me and stay away from underaged drinking, this could boost my confidence in saying no to things and my friends could respect my decision
What do you mean?
You guys stay here I will be right back.
I hope he isn't getting what I think he is
Here we go guys one for each of us
I dont think that this is a good idea...
I should not be doing this. I need to think about what I can do and what will happen if I go through with it
O come on man just drink it you will be fine
I can either drink the alcohol and take the risk how having side effects, but could be invited to more things with my friends because I drank it
I am going to not drink and be safe. I can still have fun with friends without being under the influence of alcohol
Guys, I do not feel comfortable underage drinking and dont think that the risks are worth taking. I hope that you guys will respect my decision
You should always go with what you think is right even if your friends think you are wrong or crazy for doing it. Always be safe and when you are saying no to something, be assertive and tell them why you are saying no.