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  • Exposition
  • If they want to be out of your lives, then so be it. Don't hold them back.
  • You focus on yourself and be your true self. There is no harm in being yourself.
  • You are so right Mom, thank you!
  • Mom, I feel like no one around me actually wants to be around me.
  • Feel free to talk if done
  • Rising Action
  • So cool!
  • Yes! I love that movie and the book was amazing.
  • She's weird.
  • What is she even talking about?!
  • Oh look where she is
  • Rising action
  • She isn't weird, she is just being her natural self, you guys should try it sometime.
  • I'm being myself is that so wrong? You should really find something else better to do than to judge people.
  • You were never like this when you hung out with us, what changed?
  • You were always quiet and never said anything, why now?
  • When my Mom came back from work, I told her how I felt. I told her that my so called friends made me feel like they didn't want to be around me, better yet that they didn't want to be my friends. Being an outcast doesn't feel good or nice, it feels lonely.
  • Climax
  • What changed? I finally realized how selfish you guys truly are. You don't care about me or how I feel, you just care about you.
  • I finally realized you don't want me around, you only want me around when it benefits you.
  • It is finally the next day of school and I actually made a friend. I didn't hang out with the friends I usually hung out with. It felt nice for once to know that there is someone listening to me and letting my actually be my true self. I don't have to hide behind a mask all the time.
  • Falling Action
  • Hey Mom, I just wanted to say thank you for your advice. I did what you told me I should do, and I feel great!
  • I finally had the guts to speak up for myself. They can talk about me all they want, but that won't help them with themselves. It won't boost their ego, they may think it does,but it really doesn't. I hate the fact that I used to think I couldn't speak for myself. Talking about what interests me and having someone listen was all I needed. I should've left that friend group a long time ago.
  • Resolution
  • I am so happy that you are finally able to talk more and you feel free.
  • I realize that I thought being the outcast of the group was normal, I thought not having a say in things was normal. It wasn't, it was just the big fact that I was being left out. I was so blind and thought I had to fake this personality to make friends, when all this time I could have been myself and made a whole bunch of friends. I didn't need to hide behind people or a persona that wasn't real.
  • You made me feel like an outcast, the black sheep of the friend group. No one should ever treat their friends like that.
  • That is a lie and you know it.
  • My mom's advice did a huge number for me. Her giving me that advice helped me so much she doesn't even know it. Without her advice I would have made no progress.
  • No one should feel like that when hanging out with their friends.
  • That is great. You should never bottle up your emotions. You have to speak you once in a while.
  • Being in a friendship like that made me feel like I couldn't express myself how I wanted to express myself. It made me feel trapped in my own body. No one should ever go through that and that is what my mom taught me. Don't bottle your feelings up, it isn't healthy for you to do so.
  • Thank you again mom!
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