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Romeo And Juliet Zahara

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Romeo And Juliet Zahara
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  • the begining of the balcony scene
  • (2:2line1)"he jest at scars that never felt a wound. BUT SOFT! what light thought yonder windows break? it is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief that thou, her maid, art far more fair then she be not her maid for she is envious" (2:2line20)"her eye in haven would though the airy region steam so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night see how she leans her cheek upon that hand that i might tough that cheek"
  • juliet on the balcony 
  • (2;2line26) "ay me"
  • romeo noticing juliet
  • (2;2line27)"she speaks. O speak again bright angel for thou art as glorious as to this night being ore my head as is winged messenger of heaven unto the white upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when bestride the lazy-puffing clouds and sails upon the blossom of the air"
  • Romeo after escaping from his cousin and friend is now in the orchard briefly saying how his friends and family don't understand because they have never felt emotionally broken by love then he proceeds to talk about how he loves and longs for Juliet speaking of how he wants to simply touch her cheek
  • " tis but thy name that is my enemy"
  • "O'Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo deny thy father and refuse thy name or thou wilt not be sworn my love and ill no longer be Capulet" (2;2line35)"tis but thy name that is my enemy thou art thyself though not a Montague what's Montague?" (2;2line40)"that which we calla rose by any other word would smell sweet" (2:2line45)"Romeo doff thy name and for that name which is no part of thee take all myself." (2:2line49)
  • juliet after faintly thinking shes hereing romeos voice comes outside to the balcony to ponder her new found love for a man she just meet
  • the discover of Romeo 
  •  "hows't came hither tell me and wherefore the orchard walls are hard to climb and place death considering who thou art if any kinsmen find thee" (2:2line67)
  • romeo heres his love on the balcony and comments on how he sees her and continues listening
  • do not swear
  • juliet speaks about how she wants romeo to rid himself of his name because it is whats holdening themback and if he doesnt not if hecant prove that he loves her with all of himself then she would rid herself of her name and how she wants him to "take all myself"
  • shall i here more or shall i speak at this (2:2line39)
  • Romeo revels to have been listing to her speak bout him and tells her that he will give up his name for her and that he loves her that much whilst Juliet wonders and worry's about how he got into the orchard and that if he gets caught by her kinsmen he will be killed but Romeo doesn't take it seriously at all
  •  "i take thee at thy word call me but love and ill be new baptized henceforth thee take all myself" (2:2line51)
  • after the initial fear of her kinsmen coming fades away she tells Romeo not to swear by the moon because she wants him to take her virginity and she wants to marry him Romeo does want the same and he wants to prove his love for her
  • R: "lady by wonder blessed moon i vow that trios with silver all these fruit-tree tops-"j:"O, Swear not by the moon thy' inconstant moon , that monthly changes in her circle orb lest that thy love prove likewise variable" R: "what shall i swear by?j: swear by nothing"
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