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The FITT Acronym and the Principals

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The FITT Acronym and the Principals
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  • FrequencyIntensityTimeType
  • The FITT Acronym and the Principles
  • Principles of...ProgressionSpecificityOverload
  • By M. Tabije
  • In this storyboard, I'll be touching on the FITT Acronym and the principal's to fitness.
  • In the previous week, I talked about cardiovascular, resistance, and flexibility training and good tips on how to improve these skills.
  • Frequency: " often a person performs the targeted health-related physical activity."Intensity: " hard a person exercises..."Time: "...the length of the physical activity."Type: "...the specific physical activity chosen to improve a component of health-related fitness."
  • The FITT Acronym
  • These 4 things are applied to a recommended workout. This can also be applied to a person's recommended amount of execise, which can be affected by several different factors.
  • Info here
  • Without changing your workout, said workout will feel too easy. By modifiying it, this helps to improve your fitness level. "When a workout starts to feel too easy, this is an indication that it is time to progress your workout in some way."
  • Principle of Progression
  • The principle of slowly changing/increasing your workout.
  • "In order to improve a specific body part or skill, you must train that specific muscle or skill."
  • Principle of Specificity
  • This principal states that you need to work on a specific body part/skill in order to improve it. If not, then the skill/body part won't improve and could get worse.
  • However, you shouldn't put a ton of stress immediatly on your body, this causes you to tire out and likely pass out from exhaustion.
  • Similar to progression, the principle of overload is where you gradually increase the stress on your body in order to get more physically fit.
  • "For example, in order to see improvements in strength from lifting weights, you must gradually increase the amount of weight you are lifting."
  • Principle of Overload
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