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The Rainbow Frog

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The Rainbow Frog
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  • "Water's pretty high today, it just rained so there is a lot of surface run off"
  • Red frog: "Yeah, It is making my skin look awesome
  • "Do you even care?"
  • *Surface Runoff*
  • *friend frogs leave red frog*
  • "Why do you always talk about yourself?"
  • "They all left me. what should I do?""Maybe I should go see the wise Lizard"
  • *eats bugs*
  • *Leaves for the wise lizard*
  • Predation
  • "Oh no! The Lizard!"
  • *The water is murky, humans have polluted the water heavily*"Oh wise lizard, what should I do, all my friends have left me, and I don't know why."
  • "Ugh, but if it means I get my friends back, I'll do it."
  • *Lizard dies from illness*
  • "Don't you see how much trouble this lake is in. But either way, you must lose what you love most to get back your friends. And in this case, it would be your beautiful red scales."
  • "Yay! I love my new bumps!"
  • "Here's some of my bumps!"
  • Parasitism
  • "Yay!"
  • "Woohoo!"
  • "The rain feels so good on my skin. So refreshing."
  • "Well, I've got to release waste from the bugs I ate earlier, that'll help the plants grow "
  • "I am so beautiful!"
  • *Frog gets eaten by a snake*
  • Predation
  • "At least some bacteria broke down my waste for the plants to use as energy"
  • "Oh no our friend!!!"
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