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Cardiovascular Disease

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Cardiovascular Disease
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  • Two packs of cigarettes and a coke, please
  • This is John. He is thirty five years old. John is picking up cigarettes at a local stand, a part of his normal routine. 
  • John's diet consists of mostly animal products. He usually has a burger for lunch. This added cholesterol is building up to crease plaque. If a plaque was to get big enough to burst, it could cause a blood clot, which would lead to a heart attack. The only vegetable in sight is the measly piece of lettuce in his otherwise beige meal.
  • After lunch, John decides to head back home. He decides to hail a cab instead of walking. John hates exercise and uses any excuse possible to evade strenuous physical activities, such as walking.
  • At home, John continues to work on his computer, even though it's a saturday. He never has time for his hobbies or the things he is passionate about. He doesn't have time for friends or family and is under a lot of stress. He runs on four hours of sleep a day.
  • John's horrible lifestyle is finally catching up to him. His heart isn't getting enough oxygen and John's chest is starting to hurt badly. He has Angina Pectoris, a type of cardiovascular disease. Although this isn't a heart attack, it is a warning sign and one John needs to take seriously. He is admitted to the hospital.
  • Now, John has decided to take care of his heart. He is going change his lifestyle and limit his risk for a heart attack by changing the factors he can control, such as diet, exercising, stress level, and sleep. He has also started his journey of quitting smoking. It will be long and hard, but his heart will thank him for it in the future!
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