Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks. One day she was walking in the forest all by herself until she came across a discovery.
porridge. One bowl was big, one was meduim, and one was small. She tried to eat the big one but it was too hot. She then decided to try eating the meduim one but it was too cold. She finally tried the small one and it was just right.
Goldilocks stumbled upon three chairs. Like the porridge one was big, one was medium, and one was small. She tried sitting on the big one but it was too big to sit on. She tried sitting on the medium chair but it was to hard. She then tried the small chair and it was just right.
soft. She then tried the small one and it was just right. She then fell asleepGoldilocks was getting tired, so she decided to find the bedroom. In the bedroom she found three beds, one big, one medium, and one small. She tried the big one and it was too hard. She tried the medium one and it was too
As Goldilocks was sleeping the owners of the house came home. They were 3 bears! One was big, one was medium, and one was small. They had noticed that someone ate their porridge, sat in their chairs, and was sleeping in the small bed.
The bears wook up Goldilocks. She screamed in fear causing her to run up to the window and jump out. After that Goldilocks was never seen again.The end.